The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

r those of you who remember us...this is in memory of Jan (Janet Miller Berman), my soul mate, who died Sept. 2000. It took 3 years of courtship, and a long night for me to get up my "nerve" to ask her to marry me, for I knew I was getting the the better part of the bargain. She was a woman to admire with a myriad of talents & a diversity of background & personal experiences that most people never gave a thought to. She was sophisticated & accomplished, a successful business woman, a fashion designer, a college professor, and a very vocal promoter of education for the "young" and the Hawaii retail industry. Her dad "Fritz" taught her that "nothing is impossible, if you want to do it." She firmly believed in pursuing "your dreams" no matter what, believed in the good of everyone & that there are no such things as a mistake. These beliefs guided her as president of our own business & as president of the retail merchants of Hawaii, which she built into the powerhouse organization it became during the 90s. She was respected by legislators, newspaper publishers, and CEOs alike. Jan died in New Mexico, while attending meetings representing Kapiolani Community College, where she was developing a "retail institute" to service students throughout the pacific basin. Even though she is physically gone, her spirit lives. She truly was a great lady...and the love of my life!